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You have feedback, ideas or want to get in touch? Feel free to contact us. You can do that either by sending us a DM on Twitter or an email to mail@vannsl.io.


Hi! We're Vanessa Böhner, Markus Wolf, Mirjam Bäuerlein, Roman Kuba, David Müllerchen and Nikolaus Rademacher - six frontend developers from all over Germany and Austria. We hope you like our show. Currently we are ready to get off the starting blocks. Right now we only need one sponsorship for this website. We'll add more information as soon as our podcast is up and running.



No website, no podcast. Our beloved podcast needs webhosting and a domain. We like to have the domain www.expect-exceptional.fail with the email address mail@vannsl.io. Thank you dear sponsor. 🙏🏻

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David Müllerchen

Mar 2020